05/26/17 - maria's defense - rijk, francisco, ellen, maria, amelie, johannes
03/16/17 - adrian's visiting! - richard, dominik, silvi, maria, adrian, ellen, melissa, rijk, kevin, mona, sandra, francisco
11/03/16 - nerd nation @white plaza - caitlin, kevin, silvi, thomas, ellen, rijk, alain, francisco, mona
07/27/16 - living matter gangnam style @ wccm xii, gangnam, seoul, korea - sandra, psy, maria, johannes, ellen, francisco
05/04/16 - bay area living heart team meeting brian in fremont - francisco, mehrzad, christoph, kevin, julius, gabe, pim, mathias, ellen, brian, daniel
03/01/16 - alex' last lab meeting - blake, mathias, jean-claude, dominik, felipe, alex, rijk, maria, caitlin, johannes, mona, francisco, ellen, nick
02/18/16 - lab outpost @brain workshop in les houches - rijk, nele, pablo, silvi
11/23/15 - adrian's visiting for thanksgiving - francisco, rijk, johannes, ellen, adrian, maria, and some ice cream
11/05/15 - the oberwolfachers @mathematics of differential growth - alain, ellen, krishna, andreas
09/08/15 - adrian's last day at stanford - johannes, celine, alex, rijk, hossein, ellen, adrian, mona, maria, alejandrina, francisco